Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sticky Tape Pudding

Last night my sister, BIL, niece and nephew came over for dinner.  Always a good night when they come over even if it is loud and boisterous. In fact, the louder and more boisterous the better!

Early yesterday the order for Chicken and Cashew Nut came in so it, along with Sweet and Sour Chicken and steamed rice, was on the menu.

Family dinners at our house are never complete without the addition of a dessert course to the menu.  Most times the choice of main meal in our family is determined around the dessert selection, so seriously do we take sweets!  And don't even get me started on the dilemmas posed by the overconsumption of pre-dinner nibbles impacting on one's ability to fit dessert in comfortably!  

Needless to say, dessert was served last night!  Something of a first for me - I've eaten it before (my BIL does a melt-in-the-mouth version!) but never actually cooked it myself before last night - let me just say that I will definitely be cooking this little number again!

My beautiful niece, after being told what was for dessert, questioned my ability to cook it.  'Aunty Shelley can't cook that.  It'll taste disgusting', she said with screwed up face to really convey her distaste.

'No it won't.  It's delicious.  You've had it before and you liked it a lot.' reasoned her mum.

'Sticky tape pudding?  I've never eaten that.  Aunty Shelley can't cook sticky tape pudding.'

'You have eaten it before and you liked it a lot.  Dad has made it before too and you liked it then.  You'll like it tonight as well.'

'But you can't eat sticky tape.  It's bad for you.  You can't eat it.'

It went on like this for a while I'm told before the light when on.

'Sticky date pudding you crazy! Not sticky tape!'

I, too, question my ability to cook sticky tape pudding!  And I agree, that would taste disgusting!  Sticky date pudding on the other hand, delicious and definitely within my capabilities!

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