Friday, March 11, 2011

Busy Bee

Goodness what an afternoon!

I have spent the best part of this afternoon in the kitchen and have whipped up some delish goodies for the LOML and I (and a few to give away!).

First off was the roast.  I love a slow cooked roast.  And this one was even more special because it was only for the LOML and I - no guests tonight!  Don't get me wrong, I love cooking for friends and family but when it comes to a roast (especially in my family) it's first in, best dressed.  You snooze, you lose!  But tonight, no fights for the last roast onion, no squabbles over the cripsy roast edges (tip: grab the knife and offer to carve - guartaneed to get the best bits, plus obligatory taste-testing!) - more than enough for both of us with a little leftover.  Yum!  [note: I would have taken a photo but it was gone before I remembered the camera!  Too busy eating - I LOOOOVVVEE a roast!]

While the roast was on the go I whipped up a batch of Hot Cross Buns.  I know, I know, Easter is still a while away yet but I felt the urge to bake some so I did.  Gotta love that the breadmaker did all the hard work! 

In the oven ready to bake.  I think my oven might be ready for retirement - I had the dial on 200 degrees yet the theremometer is nowhere near that!

I also whipped up an Apple Crumble for dessert.  The LOML and I aren't big dessert people (I used to be - the result of a childhood where dessert was used as a bribe to get me to eat everything on my plate!) but tonight is a special occasion (it's Friday!) and this is the LOML pick.  He likes his Apple Crumble cold, served with cold custard.  Me, I like it hot so I will cut myself a piece and warm it in the oven while we eat.

And what is Apple Crumble without custard....  Tonight I've gone with easy and used the packet base.  Though nothing is as good as a real made-from-scratch egg custard.... Another night maybe!

Phew!  What an afternoon! 

I definitely deserve those few red wines I've had with dinner!

So, what's on the menu tomorrow night......leftovers for sure!

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