Sunday, March 25, 2012

In My Kitchen: March 2012

Better late than never, I'm joining Celia and her In My Kitchen Posts a little later in the month than I would have liked! But you can't win them all and with so much new stuff going on around these parts I haven't yet settled into anything that could resemble enough of a routine to become a habit, and that is impacting on my ability to meet my own deadlines!   Oh well!

Soooo....with not a whole lot happening In My Kitchen this month, I give you none-the-less....

...some yummy, just-picked strawberries.  Nothing tastes better than a little sun-warmed piece of heaven!  My strawberry plants are currently going crazy with the flowering and fruiting, another reason to get out into the outside while the sun is shining and there is still a little warmth left in the air!

In My Kitchen....

...the chillies are strung for drying and looking pretty.  The string on the left was my second go at it - my technique improved as I went on!  These chillies were a surprise find at the end of the veggie patch, the bush having come up on it's own behind the biggest weed known to man!  I don't mind finds like this at all!

In My Kitchen... a gift from a special friend that reminds me of good times and lots of laughter.  It doesn't remind me of the date though. 

In My Kitchen...

... is the best sign in the world and one very appropriate to my kitchen!

What's happening in your kitchen this month?


  1. Shelley, thanks for playing! I can't believe all those chillies are self-sown, what a treat that must have been to find! And I wish we could make strawberries grow - we have a big patch of them, but they all either rot or get eaten before we can harvest them. Love your little calendar - my mum had a similar one when we were growing up, and we never remembered to turn the blocks over either.. :)

  2. Those chillies strung up like that are so lovely.
    A *warm* spot anywhere you hang them. And they were gifted to you by God/Nature- whatever beneficient being you can credit them to. How marvelous. Your strawberries look so tasty- I am so longing for fresh berries in my area (Midwest,North America).
    Thanks for sharing, really, thank you.

  3. Oh I like your idea of hanging the chillies! Our little bush is full of them and I have been popping them into the freezer, whole. Thank you for sharing your kitchen/

  4. Thanks Celia & Heidi - I make a point of visiting the veggie patch every afternoon for a look-see - the strawberries I munch on while I'm there are a bonus for sure! I do manage to save a few for the LOML cos I'm nice like that!

    Lizzy, I too have a freezer full of chillies waiting to be turned into chilli jam or sauce or something....I saw these during a google search (love google) and thought I'd give them a go. I must report that they are drying incredibly well!


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