Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friends rock

Last night we had some friends over for a BBQ. 

We had such beautiful weather during the day that it would have been criminal not to!

Our guests last night were Mr & Mrs Paddy - once customers, now good friends.  A good time was had by all, lots of laughing and joking and eating too much followed by the BEST (that's right, the best - I'm putting it out there!) Pavlova I reckon I've ever eaten.  Given that both Mr & Mrs Paddy are kiwi's I shouldn't have expected anything less (though Australia lays claim to the pav I'm sure it originated in New Zealand!).  Div-ine! 

Obligatory food porn shot.....yummm....blueberries, strawberries, passionfruit,
cream & chocolate on a pavlova shell....double yum!
I restricted myself to only one serving knowing that any more than that and the sugar rush would have me awake until dawn.  The leftovers are currently sitting in the fridge tempting me - eat me, eat me, EAT ME!!!  Must....resist.....

Anyway, having Mr & Mrs Paddy over got me thinking about friends as I drifted off to sleep.....the LOML and I don't have that many friends, we pretty much keep to ourselves, but those we do have are keepers.  Genuine people we have gathered into our lives over the years who enrich us and make us better people.  Some we've known since the dawn of the ages, others have only come into our lives in the last year, but good friends all.

I also got to thinking about how different our friends are - from each other, and from us, yet our 'common-ness' connects us.  Regardless of our backgrounds (where we grew up, where we live, what our life goals are, what our religious beliefs are etc) it seems to me that we are linked by our mutual respect and acceptance of those differences. 

Last weekend we caught up with our Muslim friends from Jordan (for coffee that saw us leave 6 hours later!), this weekend our New Zealand friends who are contemplating Australian citizenship, next weekend we're hoping to have dinner with our devoutly Christian neighbours.  It makes me feel so good to have such good people in our lives - different in so many ways, and yet so much the same. 

I consider myself very fortunate in my friends.  xxx

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