Friday, May 24, 2013

Nearly there....

Phew!  What an absolutely life changing month May has been.  

In less than a week now, Lucky Phil and I will be taking the next big active step towards making our world a happier and more fulfilling place....

It started mid last month actually, when an opportunity presented itself that was too good to pass up and was a key stepping stone to changing our lives.  For so long we have preached to each other and to any one within earshot that if you aren't happy with something, you need to actively change it to get a different result, potentially the result you would prefer.  Change will happen on it's own but usually slowly.  You need to take decisive action to force change if you want it to happen any earlier.  And then something happened for 3 years in our lives where we stopped listening to our own advice and sunk into a cesspool of self-doubt and stagnation.  Three years of it.  It has nearly been the undoing of us (not 'us' us - just of our own selves).

But then we had a startling realisation, a light bulb moment, when we saw that this hole we were in was of our own doing and that we had the key to the door to get out of it.....Amazing thing the mind, change your mindset and you change your outlook on life and all of a sudden the clouds  in the sky are pretty and fluffy and a sign of a beautiful day rather than an indication of a potential storm....

And that's what we did.  We changed our mindset and now we are about to reap the rewards.  Last week I worked my last day in my job.  This weekend we pick up the keys to our new place in Brisbane and in a week we will be moving.  A week after that we will be taking over our new business and once again working together, just Lucky Phil and I.  About a month after that, the sale of our investment property will be finalised and our house will be rented out.

All happening at once.  Very exciting.

Now I just have to go through our bits and bobs and accumulated 'stuff' and work out what to keep, what to donate, what to chuck and what to store.  Three bedroom house on land to two bedroom unit.  I need to be very choosy.  

Nothing like a short timeline to really get the blood pumping!  

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