Thursday, November 17, 2011

In My Kitchen: November 2011

Joining Celia and her 'In My Kitchen' posts - head on over to Fig Jam & Lime Cordial and join the fun....

In My Kitchen..... a foodsaver vacuum thing scored courtesy of Melbourne Cup winnings.  Nice.  This will be a godsend when it comes to tomato drying time (mmmm....semi dried tomatoes.....) and finding a way to store all my creations, not to mention the storing of everything else - zucchinis, beans, peas, bananas, apples, apricots - the list is endless!

In My Kitchen....

....are my nicely tidied 'pantry' shelves.  I don't have a pantry as such so everything is on show on some make-do shelves until such time as the kitchen fairy visits and leaves me with a nice big cupboard with doors.  What that means in the meantime is that I really have to be tidy with my putting away and storing.  Unfortunately tidy and I don't agree so this morning I pulled everything off the shelves, and then tidied and restacked in some form of order.  How long it will stay like this I'm not sure but it looks better for the moment.  All I need to do now is work out what to cook to use up the 5 packets of pasta shells I found hidden at the back!  (note:  this was a tidying exercise, not cleaning, so don't look too closely at the dirty walls!)

In My Kitchen.... my chilli painting precariously perched on the mantle above the wood stove.  One day soon I will get up and actually hang it but in the meantime the spiders webs are holding it in place quite nicely!  I love this painting.  The LOML brought it back for me on one of his buying trips to Indonesia a couple of years ago - just for me.  It is the first thing I see as I enter the kitchen and it brings a smile to my face every morning.

In My Kitchen....

......are a couple of buckets full of dried broad beans waiting to be shelled, dried a little more in the dehydrator before being packed and sealed and stored away.  

In My Kitchen.... some Asafoetida Powder I picked up at the spice stall at the Sunday Markets.  This is the one ingredient I have been missing from my Indian recipes - it will be interesting to see the difference it will make to the taste.

In My Kitchen.... the latest batch of seedlings sprouting on the windowsill.  These are broccoli.  For some reason I had in my head that they are a winter crop (?).  Maybe they are and I'm a little ahead of myself.  Either way I'll give them a go and see what happens.

In My Kitchen....

....are a selection of seeds which will make their way into a tasty seedy bread.  Breads.  That's a whole lotta seeds right there!

And finally, In My Kitchen....

.....are some butterbeans, snap beans (can't see them) and some peas picked with my niece and nephew yesterday.  I love fresh green beans eaten straight from the bush.  They have a taste like nothing else I know and take me back to when I was 8 years old and would lie on my back between the rows of beans (mum and dad grew a commercial size crop one year on our farm) looking up to the blue sky and breathing in the earthy aroma of freshly watered soil whilst munching on beans picked straight from the bush.  Ahhh the memories!


  1. Shelley, cool foodsaver! We have a cheapie from an online store, but we use it all the time! Our first beans are coming too, and they've been delicious. And that Asafoetida will last you for ages - every recipe I've seen says, "one pinch".. :)

    Thanks for playing again this month! I've added your link to my sidebar!

  2. Thanks Celia - I love playing each month - it makes me really appreciate what goes into and comes out of my kitchen! And I am totally in love with the food saver - I've even cleared precious bench space so that it can permanently live out of a cupboard!

  3. I'm impressed- tidying up pantry shelves can be one of those tasks that I put off indefinitely (read- forever!)- so to see it done for a picture opp is great!
    I love the seeds waiting for a bread to seed up! :)
    And the beans- OH how I wish we were not looking at winter to set in here in America. I love fresh veg and fruit and am trying to buy local. I could get fresh? from Chile imports but...well they just have too big of a carbon footprint for me to buy.
    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Your butter beans remind me of my childhood too. We had a tomato farm though and your description is essentially the same as my experience, so I can relate. Your beans look terrific.
    Would you believe I have bottles, cans, packets, boxes all over my kitchen benches and table, because I totally emptied the pantry, cleaned it out and aired the cupboards overnight. Looks like there are cupboard cleanouts happening everywhere.


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